Saturday, April 16


~ Bondi Autralia, Garage Sale Trail 
As the saying goes: one man's rubbish really is another man treasure.

I absolutely love hunting for treasures and  it's taken me years to learn how to restrain myself. Truth be told, I still don't think I'm quite there yet...

The Garage Sale Trail was brimming with treasures. The philosophy behind the event was that consumerism can be sustainable.

Roaming the streets and trawling through everyone's goodies was indeed very personal, and I felt like part of a pirate community eyeballing an excesses of treasures!

What I love about vintage shopping (aside that it's obviously much more sustainable) is that things are unique, can be one of a kind and are often bargains! I snapped up those beautiful hand made indian bangles for a mere 2 bucks!

Here are some of my favorite snaps of the day

I also had the pleasure to run into Aussie model/vegetarian chef/designer Annalise braakensiek who was selling her goodies on Curlewis street. She is a long time advocate for animal rights and animal welfare and we meet up for lunch last week. I was amazed to hear how much this beautiful woman does!! More to come on this beauty next week...
Till then 


Jess said...

looking lovely miss x

AnnaB said...

I missed this. Thanks for posting x A

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